Triton Logo Compute

Elastic, Secure and Resilient Containers, VMs and Bare Metal

A Unified Approach to VMs and Containers

Triton provides unified management of containers and VMs with user and operator portals, rich APIs, and built-in features of monitoring, networking, storage, and security

Rich Application Support

Our support options are provided by experienced engineers. Our support is run wide (e.g. Architecture and Developer Support) and deep (e.g. Production and Specialized Operations support).

Microservices Support

  • Services Architecture Guidance
  • Design Patterns
  • Containerization Tools & best practices
  • Refactoring and Migration
  • DevOps Tools
  • Production / Go-Live

Container Support

  • Deployment Architecture Guidance
  • Orchestrators (Kubernetes, Swarm, Mesos)
  • Docker Development & Operations
  • Application Orchestration & Open Services
  • DevOps Tools
  • Production / Go-Live


  • Core Node.js and GoLang
  • API Frameworks and Gateway
  • Debugging & Triage tools
  • Build and Testing tools
  • Security Updates and Upgrades
  • Production Best Practices

Cloud Support

  • Scalability & Architecture Guidance
  • Public, Private & Hybrid Deployments
  • Cloud Implementation (Compute, Storage, Network, Security)
  • Migration Strategy & Implementation
  • Production / Go-Live Support

Triton Compute

Triton Compute powers some of the world’s largest cloud consumers, enabling them to save money and regain control of their data and services.

Improve Operator Efficiency

When one of the world’s largest retailers began building out its mobile commerce platform, they turned to Triton Compute and a self-managed private cloud. Read More

Cut Compute Costs by 80%

When one of the world's most recognizable fashion retailers wanted to reduce the cost of their VMware-based private cloud and improve their development velocity, they turned to Triton Compute and a self-managed private cloud, augmented by Triton Public Cloud services. Read More

Powered By SmartOS

A converged container and virtual machine hypervisor.

Learn More