Triton Use Cases

Cut Storage Costs by 50%

When one of the world’s largest electronics manufacturers wanted to reduce their large and exponentially growing Amazon Web Services bill for object storage and regain control of their data, they turned to Triton Object Storage and a Private Region solution from Joyent. After growing to become one of AWS’ largest customers, the company’s cloud bill ran into the hundreds of millions of dollars per year. It was pumping hundreds of petabytes of data each year into AWS, and with each additional petabyte its cloud bill and its dependency on AWS as a provider grew. Further complicating this relationship, AWS began making forays into the company’s market space with competing products and services. Faced with these realities, this organization turned to Joyent to build and run a Private Region to support a hybrid cloud architecture for them where large predictable (and data intensive) applications are run on a Private Region, while unpredictable workloads continue to run on AWS. Today the first of several Private Region data centers are up and running, with several more around the globe currently in development. Now, this organization is on its way to saving hundreds of millions of dollars while eliminating its dependency on a single (and potentially competitive) cloud vendor.

Cut Compute Costs by 80%

When one of the world’s most recognizable fashion retailers wanted to reduce the cost of their VMware-based private cloud and improve their development velocity, they turned to Triton Compute and a self-managed private cloud, augmented by Triton Public Cloud services. The company’s first target was a legacy application that processes more than 2,000 orders per minute. After migrating this application from a virtual machine based private cloud powered by VMware, to a container based private cloud powered by Triton, their savings were dramatic. By replacing virtual machines with more efficient containers running on Triton’s Elastic Bare Metal service, the company was able to reduce the number of physical servers required to support this application by 80%, while also eliminating the need for costly VMware licenses. This transition from VMs to containers also facilitated modernization of their CI/CD tools and processes, which in turn allowed them to go from one release per six months to several releases per day.

Improve Operator Efficiency

When one of the world’s largest retailers began expanding its mobile commerce platform, they turned to Triton Compute and a self-managed private cloud, augmented by expert support from Joyent for both its private cloud infrastructure and its chosen development framework: Node.js. Their pre-existing web commerce platform ran on OpenStack, consumed more than 3,000 servers and required the support of nearly 1,000 developers and operators. As they began to develop their mobile commerce platform they knew they had to do better. Because they were able to run containers on Triton’s Elastic Bare Metal service for greater server density, their mobile commerce platform consumed 90% fewer servers. Leveraging Triton’s operational tooling and application debugging capabilities together with expert, full-stack support from Joyent, they were able to operate their mobile commerce platform with 90% fewer administrators and developers. Today their mobile commerce platform is an efficient engine of growth for their business.

Harden Security Profiles

When one of the world’s largest mobile device makers launched an iris scanning service to secure its devices and authorize financial transactions, they turned to Triton Compute and a Private Region solution from Joyent to meet their heightened security requirements. They worked with Joyent experts to deploy customized security appliances in a Private Region to meet their needs. They also architected their application to take advantage of containers to reduce their operating costs and supercharge their CI/CD processes. Their banking gateway and authentication API use Docker and Triton’s Elastic Docker Host service to maximize development speed, and they run their database tier on Triton’s Elastic Bare Metal service to maximize application performance. Triton gives them both the security they require and unmatched development velocity and application performance.

Optimize Network Performance

When a market innovator disrupting the VOIP industry began rapidly scaling their cloud infrastructure on AWS, they found that AWS could not meet their networking needs and turned to Triton Compute on Joyent’s Public Cloud to satisfy their requirements. In order to gain the flexibility they needed as their business grew, this company began moving from a private cloud, running across three data centers and 30 co-location facilities, to public cloud regions of AWS. But, on AWS they quickly realized that achieving the network performance they required would be cost prohibitive, and AWS could not satisfy some of their complex NFV requirements. Working with Joyent engineers to tailor a Dedicated Public Cloud to meet their needs gave them the features and cost profile their business required, while also giving them the flexibility and scale required to support their rapid growth.

Ensure Cross Cloud Portability

When a startup looking to disrupt the content delivery network space needed an internet scale, yet simple to operate, container runtime for their API gateway service, they leveraged Triton’s Open Services Platform and ContainerPilot to quickly go to market. Their API gateway is built using the Node.js development framework and is designed to run in Docker containers as a set of microservices. Their decision to build this service according to the Autopilot Pattern, and to use ContainerPilot for their application micro-orchestration needs, means their service can run anywhere. While this company chose to deploy its service on Triton’s Elastic Docker Host because it provides them with a simple, scalable and economical solution, they are not locked into Triton. Their application architecture enables cross cloud portability.