Managed Private Cloud

Providing datacenter scale cloud with single tenant security, greater control and cost savings, without sacrificing simplicity and speed.


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Object Storage

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  • Single Tenant Security
  • Multi-Provider Certification
  • Curated / Robust Hardware Availability
  • Rapid Deployment of new infrastructure (hours instead of weeks)
  • Managed Networking and Physical Maintenance
  • User Ownership of Cloud / Applications
  • Joyent Support of Cloud Operators
  • Flexible Hardware Configuration
  • Wide Geographic Selection
  • WAN/VPN/BGP Networking
  • Whole cloud pricing
  • Regulatory readiness
  • Month to Month or Annual Support
  • Rapid Installation
  • Office Hours & Operator Training
  • SEV1-4 SLA Response Times
  • Avoid Provider Lock-in & Data Gravity

Managed Private Cloud

Providing datacenter scale cloud with single tenant security, greater control and cost savings, without sacrificing simplicity and speed.


Joyent consults, designs, procures and builds private data center regions and hardware to your spec with predictable costs and capacity expectations. Joyent then fully manages the cloud in line with public cloud experiences for your application owners and cloud users with your logo and customizations.

Joyent enables and customizes core cloud services for compute, storage and networking based on your operations and end user needs. Ongoing feature roadmaps and customizations available to continue tailoring your cloud requirements.


Joyent Managed App Services

Joyent provides core and customized services: scheduling, container orchestration, virtual machines, shared storage, object storage, serverless, load balancing, vpc, firewall, rbac, ssh management, DNS, custom images, VPN and software defined networking.

Joyent Managed User Services

Joyent provides access control, upgrades, infrastructure maintenance, metering, billing, charge-back, monitoring, reporting, and migrations.

Joyent Managed Governance

Joyent can provide Auth, Audit, Fraud detection, DDOS, licensing, open-source support and portability to support your regulatory or compliance requirements.


Self Managed Private Cloud

Acquire Joyent Private Region infrastructure, 100% open software, managed apps and services. Self manage your private cloud with our rich full stack support options or on your own as Open Source 100% free software.

Self Managed Apps and ServicesLeverage

Our decade long experience on public and private clouds to train your team on operating a cloud successfully at hyperscale.


Collaborate with Joyent to implement cloud-native governance and policies for on-boarding, security, maintenance and compliance.

A Multi-Cloud Strategy

Triton Managed Private Clouds can be part of an overall strategy that incorporates Public Clouds, including AWS and Google Cloud.

Customer Case Studies

We have partnered with some of the largest cloud consumers on the planet to successfully deliver this model resulting in incredible cost savings and strategic control on their data and services.

When one of the world’s largest electronics manufacturers wanted to reduce their large and exponentially growing AWS bill for object storage, and regain control of their data, they turned to Triton Object Storage and a Private Region solution from Joyent. Read More

When one of the world’s largest mobile device makers launched an iris scanning service to secure its devices and authorize financial transactions, they turned to Triton Compute, and a Private Region solution from Joyent, to meet their heightened security requirements. Read More