September 25, 2019
Getting Started with gRPC and Node.js by Colin J. IhrigThis blog post introduces the basic concepts of gRPC, a high performance web framework for Node.js and numerous other languages. This post discusses the underlying technologies used by gRPC, as well as a number of the features provided by the framework. Finally, this post explores the design tradeoffs that come from gRPC adoption.
June 24, 2019
Video Blog: Libuv - What is a Unicorn Velociraptor by Colin Ihriglibuv is what gives Node.js its event loop and cross-platform asynchronous I/O capabilities. This video explains what libuv is all about, and how it's used by Node.js. Colin Ihrig also discusses recent development efforts in the libuv project.
June 3, 2019
Improved WebAssembly Support is Coming to Node.js by Colin J. IhrigThis blog post describes the state of WebAssembly and WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) support in the Node.js runtime. This post provides a high level overview of WebAssembly as a technology, and explores JavaScript's APIs for working with WebAssembly. From there, the post moves on to explore Node.js specific WebAssembly APIs. Finally, a brief overview of WASI and its potential future in Node.js is provided.
April 25, 2019
Blog: State of Node.js Core Fireside Chat - Questions and Answers by JoyentOn April 3rd, Joyent brought together members of their engineering team to answer questions about the upcoming Node.js 12 release. Node.js continues to gain popularity and has even crossed over the million downloads a day threshold. Much of this growth can be attributed to its widespread adoption across web applications, mobile, and cloud native applications. During the discussion the panelists shared a wealth of information. The following is a transcribed version of their fireside discussion.
September 14, 2018
Easing Into Node.js With TypeScript by Colin J. IhrigThis blog post introduces the TypeScript language, including some of its advantages and disadvantages compared to vanilla JavaScript.
August 6, 2018
GraphQL on the server by Wyatt Preul, Lloyd BensonLearn how to construct a Node.js server that provides a GraphQL endpoint for clients. Additionally, learn about more advanced GraphQL topics related to batch requests and integrating GraphQL with hapi plugins.
June 26, 2018
Node.js and Express Gateway in a Cloud Native World by Al TsangMicroservices solve a myriad of issues for cloud native applications. As an architectural style, microservices are language and framework agnostic. However, there are choices of languages and platforms that can support or adversely affect your ability to execute your microservices strategy. Node.js is an open source, existing language and platform that was crafted with the microservices paradigm in mind.
April 24, 2018
A Node.js 10.0.0 Release Summary by Colin J. IhrigThis post describes the Node.js 10.0.0 release. It breaks down what to expect from the release, what is included in the release, and who should use this release line.
October 31, 2017
A Node.js 9.0.0 Release Summary by Colin J. IhrigThis post describes the Node.js 9.0.0 release. It breaks down what to expect from the release, what is included in the release, and who should use this release line.
October 31, 2017
Upgrading Node.js to Version 8 by Wyatt Lyon PreulRead our step-by-step tutorial for how to upgrade Node.js versions 4 or 6 to version 8. This includes an overview of what's new in version 8, how to assess 3rd party module support, and suggestions for application updates.